Rye bread with flax seed
5% of this particular bread's weight is flax seed, just the right amount to give you all the "+"s and not to overdose ;)
Flax seeds contain high levels of lignans (antyoxidants), fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids. Lignans may benefit the heart, possess anti-cancer properties and studies performed on mice found reduced growth in specific types of tumors. Initial studies suggest that flaxseed taken in the diet may benefit individuals with certain types of breast cancer.
The alpha linolenic acid in flaxseed may be associatied with higher risk of prostate cancer, and cautions that those with, or at risk for, prostate cancer should not take flaxseed. A recent meta-analysis found the evidence on this point to be mixed and inconclusive ( Am J Clin Nutr (March 25, 2009). doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.26736Ev1). Flax seed oil seems to be able to heal the inner lining of the inflamed intestines.
Flax may also lessen the severity of diabetes by stabilizing blood-sugar levels. There is some support for the use of flax seed as a laxative due to its dietary fiber content though excessive consumption without liquid can result in intestinal blockage. Consuming large amounts of flax seed can impair the effectiveness of certain oral medications, due to its fiber content.
bread: water, rye wholemeal flour, wheat flour, flax seed, sourdough leaven, salt, yeast.
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